Scholarship Eligibility Requirements


1. Applicants must be a current, fulltime student as recognized and defined by Texas A&M University. Scholarship recipients must also be enrolled for a minimum of 12 credit hours or recognized and defined as a fulltime student by the university when the scholarship is awarded in Fall of the designated academic year.

2. Applicants must have completed two long semesters at Texas A & M University.

3. Applicants must NOT be a recipient of the San Angelo Texas A&M Mothers’ Club Endowed Scholarship.   Applicants can NOT be a recipient of a prior San Angelo Texas A&M University Mothers’ Club Scholarship.

4. Applicant’s permanent residential address must be in the San Angelo A&M University Mothers’ Club membership area. Those counties include: Coke, Concho, Crockett, Irion, Reagan, Sutton, Runnels, Schleicher, Sterling and Tom Green