On behalf of the San Angelo A&M Mothers’ Club, I welcome you all to the 2024-2025 School Year. As you navigate this chapter as a university parent, we are a valuable information and support resource.
I am honored to serve as your president for the 2024-2025 school year. My husband Kevin and I are proud parents of two Aggies – Myles (’25) and Hudson (’27), and Fischer, a senior at Central High School. I’m thankful Myles and Hudson chose the one university with a moms’ club.
We have all heard the saying, “It takes a village to raise a child;” it also takes a village to support parents who send them off to university. Our monthly social events help us to reach specific goals, including raising funds that provide scholarship opportunities for the benefit of Texas A&M students and support student organizations at the university, educating Aggie Moms about the many aspects of the university, assembling final exam care packages, and providing fellowship opportunities for Aggie Moms. By unifying our talents and abilities as individual Aggie Moms, we can turn our work into a vital lifeline that will help our students, the university, and strengthen our friendships.
As a mom, first and foremost, I understand how helpful and comforting it is to know and have access to other moms/families in the San Angelo area whose children have decided to attend Texas A&M University. What a great way for parents to continue loving and supporting their children while learning and carrying on the Aggie spirit and traditions. The Aggie Network is AMAZING! Aggies help Aggies, and Aggie Moms help Aggie Moms. I encourage you to participate as much as possible by attending membership meetings, special events, and federation meetings.
There have been many great leaders before me, and I applaud them all. For the next year, I will be here to support you, encourage you, celebrate with you, or lend a shoulder or a hand. Please reach out to me or any board member with questions, concerns, or ideas.
Whoop and Gig Em’,
Nikki Russwurm
President 2023-2024
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